How to do Pull ups for a beginner- learn who is not able to do pull ups.

Hello guys! If you are struggling with doing a single pull up or even on hanging on a pull up bar, then this blog will provide you the best training for you to learn how to do pull ups. Any person can do this training and will soon be able to do pull ups

If I tell about myself, I also was unable even to hang for a few seconds on the bar, and so I trained myself through this training also. After 2 months I was able to do 10 - 15 pull ups in a row and and after few weeks i was able to do weighted pull ups 15- 20 kgs of weight with 8 reps in a row. I also taught this training to my 2 friends and they are also able to do at least 10 pulls ups in a row with proper form. So it is a proof that this training practically works.

                                            This is the best training for everyone who are unable to do even a single pullup. So lets check the training of pull ups.

Hanging on the Pull up bar


It may sound worthless but it  is the first drill you need to do to build up your gripping strength. First grip firmly on the pull bar with hands slightly outwards of the shoulder width and hang on the pull bar as long as possible. Try to handle the pain while gripping the bar. Try not to loose the grip for at least 30 seconds as this is the basic for doing pull ups.
                                          You should do a number of sets for first few days every day may be 5 to 15 days to increase your gripping power. Not do any other exercise during in these days that i am going to show below.

Negative pull ups

This is the best exercise to increase your back strength. For doing this exercise, you need first to grip the bar when feet on the ground or on a platform with which you can approach the bar. After gripping jump on the bar, so that your chin goes above the bar in the position given below and lower yourself down as slow as possible vertically to the ground. This becomes one rep. You must imagine that you are doing the pull up while doing it
                                              Go for 2- 3 sets of 8- 15 reps according to your stamina. This will soon increase your power in doing pull ups. Do this exercise every second day as rest is required between days.

Do Assisted pull ups 

Image result for Assisted pullups
After few days of doing negative pull ups, you will definitely start gaining the strength to do assisted pull ups. You can take help of a partner who will hold your legs like in picture while doing pull ups or you can use a chair or a platform on which you can place your one leg to use some of your leg strength to lift you up.

                                        Do 3-4 sets of 6- 10 reps of assisted pull ups as much as with your back strength without much relying on assistance. Also don't use assisted machine pull ups.
                                        So above two exercises are great enough to build your strength and within a month you will start doing at least one pull up on your own. Continue this training as long as you are not able to do 8-10 pull ups on your own.

Learn Chin ups

It is a additional exercise that will help you build your pulling strength quickly.
                                                Chin ups are just like pull ups but the difference is in the gripping style. This exercise is easier to do then pull ups. In it grip the bar with the palms facing you and close to each other like shown below and pull yourself up till your chin goes above the bar and then lower yourself down slowly. Some persons are able to do this exercise and those who are not able to do this exercise then try above techniques in the chin up gripping technique as you will learn this exercise quickly then pull ups

Remember Efforts are required to achieve a goal. I am sure that you will soon get your results with this training.

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