How to do 100 Push-ups in a row- learn how a beginner can also do it Part 2

2nd Level Training

This is the 2nd level training program for learning and strengthening the pushup workout. You can do this training only if you are able to do 50 pushups in a row.

                                                     If you have not watched 1st level training then watch it by clicking here 1st level training, otherwise you will not be able to do this training.

In 2nd level training, your workout becomes more advanced, and following is the perfect 3 exercises for strengthening your pushups more:-

1) Do plyo/clap pushups: 

It is a difficult exercise, but it can be done if you are able to do 50 pushups in a row. In this exercise, you have to explode yourself up when you lower yourself doing pushups as shown in pic. and clap in the air quickly and land on your hands while foot staying on the ground. You can watch on the youtube also how to do clap pushups.

                                            Do 10 to 20 reps of 3- 4 sets in order to increase your power in the pushups. Therefore, it is a best exercise to increase your power in the pushups.

2) Do weighted pushups:

In the 1st level training, you may be able to perform weighted pushups with light weight on the back. But in the 2nd level training, you will have to lift more weight on the pushups or you have to perform more sets or reps with light weight on the back.

 Do 20-30 reps  with light weight on back may be 5- 10 kg or Do 10 to 20 reps  with more weight ranging in 10 kg to 30 kg. This workout will help to increase your stamina in the pushups.

3) Do other types of pushups: 

Pushups like close grip pushups, wide grip pushups, diamond pushups etc. are the variations of this basic exercise that can enhance your capacity in the pushups. You can search these exercises on the google for more information.
                                                          Perform first two exercises  every second day i.e. one day training, one day rest as it enhances your recovery also. You can perform other types of pushups once in a week during rest day.

I am sure that if you perform this training, then you will be able to reach to the capacity of doing 100 pushup in a row within 1 to 3 months. No one can increase his/her capacity within days magically. Patience and Handwork in right direction is always required and this is the best training for increasing your pushups capacity as early as possible.

                                         You should not check your pushups capacity during your training as it will ultimately spoil your training efforts and will demotivate you.
                                        You should check your pushups capacity after 15 days of training to see your results. 
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