How to do 100 Push-ups In a row- learn how a beginner can also do it Part 1

One of the greatest bodyweight exercises that trains chest, triceps and the whole body also is The Pushups. Now many of you may want to increase your repetitions in a row, but you can perform less than 30 or upto 50 reps.
                                 In this blog, I am going to show you how to increase your Push ups number in a row.

How to do 100 Push-ups In a row

But before increasing the number of pushups you must first be able to perform the pushups in proper way. You can check the proper technique of doing the pushups in google. Only after a great technique of performing it, you can increase the capacity of it.

So here are two levels of training for increasing the pushups in a row

1st level- You can do less than 50 reps in a row in pushups. 

2nd level- You can do 50 reps  or more than 50 reps in a row in pushups.

Note: If you are able to do 50 reps or more in a row than you can skip to the 2nd level by clicking on the link given below, otherwise you should look at 1st level

 1st level- You can do less than 50 reps in a row in pushups.

At this level you may be able to perform 10, 20 or may be 30 pushups in a row by proper technique, but after that you get tired or stuck.
Here following trainings or drills will allow you to increase the pushups capacity-

1 Do negative pushups- 
This is the best way of increasing the pushups capacity. In negative push ups go to pushups starting position  as shown in A part above diagram
and start lowering your whole body down to ground in a slow way. Take 3 to 5 seconds of lowering down and when you have lowered the body. Then go again in the starting position in a normal way. This will become the first rep.
Perform negative pushups of two to three sets of 10 reps every 2nd day that means one day rest one day negative pushups.
Also you can perform this exercise with some weight on your back.

2 Perform more sets in less reps- 
In this trick, perform more sets of pushups 10 to 20 sets  of 8 to 15 reps per set . In this way, you will increase your pushups stamina more than any other technique. And if you still feel after performing 20 sets you can perform more sets then go ahead. You can perform this training every third day along with negative pushups drill.
                       Both these exercises are best ones that will definitely increase your pushups capacity within 1 to 2 months. And you will be able to do 50 pushups at least in a row.
                           But important thing is that you perform this drill in strict manner otherwise your efforts gonna waste.

If you passed this level then you can go to 2nd level, click here 2nd level training to watch 2nd level training.

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