Best and cheap Protein Indian Foods- Top 7 Protein Foods

Hi guys, In this blog i am sharing with you The Best and cheap Bodybuilding Foods that are available in India. These bodybuilding foods contain rich amount of protein and quality protein that contains almost full protein. By Full protein i mean that there are 20 types of protein that can be obtained from food some are essential , semi-essential and non-essential protein. These foods will contain all essential proteins that your body requires.

Now these foods are given below


Mainly chicken breast is the very lean source of protein and a great bodybuilding food that almost every bodybuilder consumes everyday.  Every 100 gm of chicken breast contains almost 20 -22 gm of protein. This is the best food that our body absorbs quickly. Don't consume the whole chicken regularly as it contains great amount of fats almost which is not good for your body in long run.

Egg white


It is next to chicken breast in the best muscle building foods. Egg yolks contains protein but it contains fats also which is a saturated fat. Therefore you can consume upto 2 to 4 egg yolks in a day if you are not consuming any oils containing saturated fats otherwise it will later on create cholesterol problem. Therefore you can eat boiled egg whites and you can make egg whites omelette.

Cheese (paneer)

It is the best source for persons who are vegetarians because in a veg diet it becomes difficult to get protein. It contains almost 22 to 25 gm of protein per 100 gm and also equal amount of saturated fats also. So you can consume cheese up to few times a week and if you can get low fat cheese from market then you can consume it many times.



It is the richest source of protein in the world among other foods . It contains almost 35gm of protein per 100 gm , so no other food contain such amount of protein. But men should eat soyabean upto a limit say 50 gm because beyond that it will raise your estrogen levels. There are different myths relating to the limitation of eating it . But i suggest you to eat only only 50 gm of soyabean every day.


This is also a very good source of protein that contains mainly 9gm of protein per 100 gm. It contains 80% casein protein which is slow digesting protein and 20% whey protein which is fast digesting protein. and this is the source of making the powder whey protein. You can consume a glass of milk 2 to 3 times  daily and if you have lactose intolerance problem then consume only one time a day. It is best to consume it at night before you go to sleep


Yogurt or curd which is also a good source of protein and is easily digestible than milk. It contains mainly casein protein and you can consume it in your snack time or in morning or evening meals also.


Fish is also a great source of protein among non- vegetarian protein as it contains plenty amount of protein and omega 3 fatty acids also which is very good for your brain. The reason why i listed it after above foods is just because it may not be cheap source of protein in some regions of India. You can consume it 3 to 4 times a week.

Dal/ Pulses/legumes

Also Dal is a very good source of protein but in a incomplete protein. It majorly contains carbs which is 3 times then protein quantity Therefore a skinnier person can consume a cup of dal two times a day. And a fattier person can consume one cup dal a day. Consume it with some white or brown rice to make it a complete source of protein.
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