Best Muscle building Principles for Building Best Physique Naturally- best tips and tricks for muscle building

Hello guys! I am going to share with you the best muscle building principles to build more muscular body in less time. Almost every Bodybuilder follows these principles. 


You may have tried many things for building muscles, but if you consistently follow these principles for few months then you will build your muscles naturally. So in this post, I will not recommend you any supplements for building your physique.

# 1 Eat 5 to 6 times daily-

This is the basic and most preferred principle by many great bodybuilders. You should not eat in bulk at one time try to eat 5 to 6 meals daily, eat protein in each meal of 30 - 35 gms in each meal. Also try to get unsaturated fat in low quantity in 3-4 meals and consume carbs at least in each meal.

# 2 Consume variety of protein foods- 

Also consume the best variety of protein foods. Try to change the protein foods everyday like eggs, chicken, fish, cheese etc. Don't rely on a fixed diet plan as you will get bored with that diet also. If you want to know the best 7 proteins, then click here Best and cheap Top 7 protein rich muscle building foods

# 3 Consume appropriate vitamins and minerals- 

Along with protein carbs and fats, a good amount of vitamin and mineral consumption daily is also required to maintain digestion, your brain, your nervous system and your whole body. It is as necessary as protein.

# 4 Consume carbs also-

Some persons also not consume carbs because they get fats. But a moderate amount of carbs are necessary as they generate energy in your body and provide glucose to your body , to your muscles. Skinnier persons require carbs double then proteins.

# 5 Mind muscle connection- 

An important thing that only few people do is the mind muscle connection during exercise. It is the way with which you can target your main muscles more then normally just lifting your muscles. As a example , If you want to train your biceps during barbell curl exercise than start curling the barbell by imagining the feel of your bicep contraction when you curl barbell up and then feel lengthening of the bicep when lowering it down.
                             Also try to feel that muscle in your mind , which you are training in your exercise like in bench press-chest , in squats-your quads, etc. This is the best way to train the muscle more.

# 6 Don't lift too heavy- 

You may probably have heard that lift big, get big.
If you are a beginner or an intermediate person in the gym training, then don't lift heavy weights as other persons are lifting in the gym to satisfy your ego. Lift as much as you can do your required reps for example if you have to 8 reps of Barbell curl, Then put that much weight plates on it which you can lift in the proper form of exercise. In that way you can better establish your Mind muscle connection
                      Remember you want to build your muscles not strength. Also, You will slowly able to lift more weights with passage of time.

# 7 Do exercise in proper form- 

This point is linked with the above principle. You should do every exercise properly as it will better help you to train your target muscle at maximum capacity, which will ultimately build that muscle big and sharp. You must have a gym trainer to teach you the proper form  of every exercise you do.
                                              In this way, you can avoid any injury, and train that muscle with better way.

# 8 Drink water-

This is a major principle that every bodybuilder follows. If you exercise regularly than drink 15 to 20 glass of water regularly in order to properly hydrate your body. Drink water also during exercise as your body removes water as you start sweating in your exercise.
                                                        Also bath regularly as to avoid the germ and bacteria retention on your body.

# 9 Proper breathing-

This is required for every exercise. While contraction in any muscle that you train during a exercise, you should exhale and while expansion of that muscle, do inhale. For example during bench press inhale before starting lowering the barbell as your chest is going to expand and when you push out exhale because you contract your chest muscle.
                                  You can inhale through your nose or your mouth.

# 10 Patience- 

Last but not least is the Patience. Every great bodybuilder knows that you cannot get a muscular physique within days. It requires months to build. And if you are building your physique naturally, then patience is required.
                                      Don't take any steroids for building your Muscular physique as it will later on can harm your body. If anybody suggest you to take them, then avoid that person also.

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