Best pre-workout Natural Foods for Muscle building- preworkout Foods for skinnier and fatty persons both (No supplements)

Hi friends! In this post i am going to show you the best preworkout food that you must have before going to gym for workout.I will not mention you here any type of supplements as pre-workout.
                                                I know that this is the most precious time where you should get a good quality of carbs probably because you require energy or glucose during workout. Good quality carbs means simple carbs which you can take 1 hour before the workout or complex carbs in which you should consume a meal 1 and a half hour before the workout. You can consume also protein with the carbs.
                                             But I don't think that it is the best time to consume the protein foods because your body should get energy before workout more than protein. You can consume protein food in any other meal. But this is completely different topic that i will mention it later in another post
Click here Best protein foods you must consume. if you want to know about best protein foods that you must consume in your daily diet.

 Click here to know  Best post workout natural meals for muscle gain
                                    The important thing is that you must not want a heavy stomach during the workout time, so that you can avoid vomiting. Consume any of these foods as per your digestion and wish. Below are the best foods as pre- workout which i have divided according to the type of persons which are mainly of two types

For skinnier persons- (who want to gain some weight)


                     This is the best top pre-workout food that i often use these days and it is the cheapest pre-workout.
                                           If you want a best pre-workout simple carbs food then this is the best. It will provide you full energy during your whole one hour workout. You can consume 2 to 3 bananas 1 hour before workout so that you can properly digest them before workout.

Oats/ Dalia


    It is the most used food in the bodybuilding area as it is a very best source of complex carbs. Consume Oats and Dalia 1 and a half hour before workout to get enough time to digest it as complex carbs takes more time to digest then simple carbs yet it will provide you enough energy during workout.

Sweet potato or boiled potato

This food also provides you best complex carbs. You consume it 1 and a half hour before workout probably a cup of it or a quantity which your stomach can properly digest

Egg whites

You can also consume boiled 4 to 6 egg whites along with any of the above carb foods that i mentioned above. But as i experienced that it is not the best time to consume protein. But you must consume any of the above carb foods.

For fattier persons- (Persons who want to loose some weight) 

Apple or a fruit Juice

You can consume an apple or a glass of fruit juice an hour before workout as it will provide you the carbs.

A glass of milk 

Probably it is a very good preworkout food for a fattier and a skinnier person also as it contains Good amount of carbs and protein i.e. the casein protein. Consume a glass of milk 1 and a half hour before workout with nuts like almonds, peanuts,etc. as it requires proper digestion time because of casein presence.

Note- if you are consuming very less carbs in your other meals of the day then you must consume any of the carbs that are mentioned for skinnier persons. 

                                                  So, These are the best pre-workout foods for muscle building. If you have any questions then you can comment me on the comment section below.

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